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Saturday 15 November 2014

Eversion [Finished]

Eversion opens with a quote from Lovecraft, and then proceeds to be a Mario clone with an eye-melting colour scheme.  It reminds me of the original Great Giana Sisters game on Amiga, all the nuts and bolts are there but none of the artistry.  The menu screen says "Press Evert button to start", but I don't really think too much about this, just means I hit B instead of A to get going.

Then, on the second level, you can't get any further.  There are clouds where there should be platforms, but you fall right through them.  Platformers have never really given us a definitive answer to the question of whether one can walk on a cloud or not, and Eversion isn't helping matters.  So, I bumble around for a bit, trying to find something that I've missed.  Then I hit B, and a section of the screen pulses.  I head over to it, and the music shifts slightly, not quite so jolly now.  I hit B again and the world changes.  Only slightly, but the colours aren't so bright, the cute little monsters aren't quite so happy.  But hey, I can walk on clouds so on I go.  

Now I'm hitting B all the time, looking for these gaps between worlds.  Every time there's an impassable object, I'm hopping through portals, and the world is getting weirder.  Demonic hands fly out of pools of lava, with a scream that sets my teeth on edge.  The screen starts scrolling forward of its own accord, the level melting behind me.  The blocks making up the platforms twist and warp, dripping down the screen.  After dying, the game used to say "Ready!".  Now it says "I'm watching".  Then I find the princess, and she grows teeth and eats me.

OK, now I understand why Lovecraft was there on the intro screen. 

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